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Business Insights

Ideas and Solutions

Financial reporting for international companies

Financial Reporting: Key to International Expansion

Financial reporting is not just a legal obligation; it’s a strategic tool for any international company looking to establish or strengthen its presence in Spain. This article delves into the management of financial reporting...

Financial KPIs

Financial KPIs: International account management control

Financial KPIs are not just illuminating the path in accounting and financial management for any international company; they’re true lighthouses guiding towards efficiency and economic success. This article uncovers how these indicators can transform...

Set up an LLC in Spain

A Guide to Setting Up an LLC in Spain

When it comes to setting up a business in Europe, Spain is a top choice for entrepreneurs seeking to capitalize on its strategic location, vibrant economy, and business-friendly environment. One of the most popular...

Types of companies in Spain

8 Types of Companies in Spain: Choosing the Right Legal Form

Are you planning to open a branch in Spain? Choosing the right legal form for your company is a crucial decision that will affect aspects such as liability, capital, management, and taxation. From sole...

Employment, Tax

Measures for the creation and development of start-ups

Start-ups are considered to be small or medium-sized companies whose activity requires the generation or intensive use of scientific-technical knowledge and technologies for the generation of new products, processes or services, and which simultaneously...


Tax measures contained in the General State Budget Law 31/2022 for 2023

Law 31/2022, of December 23, 2022, on the General State Budget for the year 2023 (hereinafter, LPGE 2023) was published in the Official State Gazette of December 24, 2022, effective January 1, 2023. In...



On 1-1-2023 a new indirect tax will come into force with the aim of taxing the use in Spanish territory of packaging containing plastic that is not reusable. With effect from 1-1-2023, and with...


Corporate: measures to promote and accelerate the creation of enterprises

With effect from 19-10-2022, L 18/2022, on the creation and growth of companies (“Crea y Crece Law”), has been approved with the aim of boosting the creation of companies, promoting company growth and combating late...



If you are going to lend a vehicle to an employee for his or her private use, make sure that the vehicle is energy efficient. Thus, for the same price, the IRPF costs and...

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